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Daily Routines and Homework

Homework comprises of the following:


Daily reading of at least 15 minutes is encouraged to increase children's reading progress. Home reading is monitored on a regular basis to ensure children are reading interesting books with an appropriate level of challenge. Children have been provided with Reading Records where both school and home can record the reading journey. 

We continue to have a big push on reading as it is vital that the children develop the skills needed so that they begin high school with strong fluency and comprehension. Each half term, each child receives a book mark which they have to collect stars for. Those children who are successful in completion will be rewarded with a special treat .

Times tables

It is important that all children are practising their multiplications regularly. We complete a multiplications challenge every Friday where the children are given 10 minutes to complete as many sums as they can!! Try to practise your times tables as often as you can and regularly log into Times Table Rock Stars. 


Children will receive a list of spellings to learn each week. Children are to practise these spellings ready for the spelling test which will take place the following Friday! All spellings will be based on our Read, Write, Inc Spelling Scheme. 

LBQ's Quiz Night - Tuesday! 

Every Tuesday, a Learning By Questions will be set for the children to complete. The focus of the LBQ will be different each week, focusing in on something we have covered in previous weeks! Children who complete an LBQ will get 1 DOJO, children who get 100% on their LBQ will also receive and extra DOJO!!


P.E days this half term are - WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY!  It is essential that all children wear a P.E kit on the day they are completing a P.E lesson.
Our school P.E kit consists of: black shorts, black pumps and a t-shirt in their house colour.