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At St. Antony’s, we aim to provide equality of opportunity and inclusive access for all children, in full partnership with parents.

Please contact Ms Wildy for further enquiries on 

01254 54686 


Who's Who


Hello, my name is Ms Wildy. I am the Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) at St Antony's RC Primary School. I have been a teacher for 24 years and completed my NASENDCO qualification in August 2021. I have been an Early Years Practitioner for many years and have worked at many different schools and developed a vast range of experience and knowledge. I am highly passionate about all children receiving the best support that enables them to achieve their goals. At St Antonys, we are all responsible for developing and adapting the curriculum for all children and have a child-centred approach where our parents are integral to developing and securing the best outcomes for our children. 

Mrs Linley ELSA Lead

Hello, my name is Mrs Linley.  I am an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) at St Antony’s RC Primary. The key role of an ELSA is to help children learn and practice social and emotional skills, help children to feel valued and listened to and to advocate their needs within the school.   I have been trained to support children with their Emotional Literacy and the areas I work on with children, either individually or as a group are, emotional awareness, social skills, friendship skills, self-esteem, anger management and loss and bereavement.  To do this I provide a consistent time and place to work, ELSA is time limited to assist the development of specific skills, usually for 6-10 weeks. As an ELSA I will stay with the feelings and create a reflective space. I have a developed a mini mindfulness hub where children can access mindful activities in a safe and calming space. 

Mrs Duxbury Nurture Lead

Hello, my name is Mrs Duxbury and I am the nurture lead at St Antony's RC Primary. I am highly passionate about supporting children through nurture provision through a highly skilled creative approach. Children are supported through a 6 week programme of nurture provision and develop resilience, self-esteem and confidence in their sessions. Children also develop their friendships and play based skills allowing them to thrive and enjoy their Faith and Learning journey.