Spring 1
Once Upon a Time
This project supports children to develop a love of stories and reading. It encourages children to learn, retell and act out familiar and traditional tales including Cinderella, Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Communication and Language Development -
Understand a question or instruction that has 2 parts. Shift from one task to another when attention is fully gained. Use a wider range of vocabulary,
Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Know which adults look after them and who to tell if they feel worried or scared. Work and play cooperatively and take turns with others.
Physical Development- Increasingly independent getting dressed, e.g. putting on coats and using zips. Shows preference for a dominant hand. Edstart PE sessions focusing on balancing skills.
Mathematics - Recite numbers, in order, past five. Link numerals and amounts, showing the right number of fingers or objects to match numerals up to five.
Literacy - Listen to longer stories and demonstrate that they can remember much of what happens
Understanding the World - Explores and talks about different forces they feel.
Expressive Art and Design - Is drawing with increasing complexity and detail. Use drawing to represent ideas.
Talk4Writing - Little Red Hen
RE-what is a celebration?