Spring 2
Dangerous Dinosaurs
This exciting project teaches children about the different animals that roamed Earth millions of years ago and how they are related to animals that live on Earth today.
Communication and Language Development -
Sings a large repertoire of songs. Uses longer sentences of four to six words. Uses talk to organise himself/herself
Personal, Social and Emotional Development - .Explain the reasons for rules, know right from wrong and try to behave accordingly. Set and work towards simple goals, being able to wait for what they want and control their impulses when appropriate.
Physical Development- Uses a comfortable grip with good control holding pens and pencils. Edstart PE sessions focusing on circuit training exercises.
Mathematics -
Link numerals and amounts, showing the right number of fingers or objects to match numerals up to five. Talk about and explore 2D and 3D shapes.Make comparisons between objects relating to size, length, weight and capacity.
Literacy -
Have favourite stories that they enjoy listening to. Understand and ask 'why' questions and a variety of two-part questions and instructions.
Understanding the World - Talks about the difference in materials and the changes they notice. Talk about what they see using a wide vocabulary. Explore how things work.
Expressive Art and Design -
Explores colour and colour mixing. Takes part in pretend in play, using an object to represent something else even when they are not similar. Create dinosaur artwork inspired by artist Yayoi Kusama.
Talk4Writing - Dinosaur Roar
RE - Easter - how do things grow? The big walk for CAFOD.