Meet Our Staff
Our staff at St Antony's embodies a spirit of dedication and compassion, creating a nurturing environment that reflects the values of our faith. Comprising talented teachers, administrators, and support personnel, our team is committed to fostering the academic, spiritual, and personal growth of each student. Grounded in the teachings of the Catholic faith, our staff members work collaboratively to instill a sense of community, morality and a love for learning in the hearts of our students. With a shared commitment to excellence and guided by the principles of faith, our staff play a crucial role in shaping the development of our students, preparing them for a future grounded in knowledge, compassion and a strong moral foundation.
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs McGowan
Head Teacher and DSL, Assessment and Reading Lead
Mrs J Malak
Deputy Head Teacher, Behaviour/Curriculum/Writing/RE Lead
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Premises Team
Office Staff
Mrs N Saunders
Operations Manager, Children's University Coordinator, ECO Team Lead
Mr S Saunders
Finance Manager
Nursery Team
Mrs J Duxbury
Nursery Teacher, Nurture Lead and Speech & Language Lead
Mrs V Warren
Nursery Teaching Assistant
Reception Team
Mrs H Macneal
EYFS lead, Mentor, Reception Teacher, Early Reading and Phonics and Music Lead
Mrs G Abrams
Reception Class Teaching Assistant
Miss B Warren
Teacher in training, PE inclusivity
Reception Class Dog and Therapy Dog
Year 1 Team
Year 2 Team
Mr S Close
Year 2 Teacher, Outdoor learning lead
Mrs S Patel
Year 2 Teaching Assistant
Mrs K Linley
Year 2 Teaching Assistant and ELSA Lead
Year 3 Team
Mr D McGregor
Year 3 Class Teacher, Geography and PE Lead
Miss Aringa
Year 3 Teaching Assistant and Breakfast Club Lead, Children's University Coordinator
Miss T Burns
Year 3 Teaching Assistant and Tea Time Club Lead
Year 4 Team
Mr M O'Brien
Year 4 Class Teacher, Computing Lead and DT Lead
Mrs R Seaberg
Year 4 Class Teacher and History Lead
Mrs C Brown
Year 4 Teaching Assistant, FOSA Liaison
Year 5 Team
Miss S Thomas
Year 5 Class Teacher, Trainee Teacher Mentor and Science Lead,
Mrs N Cooper
Year 5 Teaching Assistant
Miss H Hargreaves
Year 5 Teaching Assistant, Medical Administrator and Choir Lead
Year 6 Team
Mr D Hall
Year 6 Class Teacher, Outdoor learning and Mathematics Lead
Mrs R Park
Year 6 HLTA, Reading for pleasure Lead, School Council, Library Coordinator
Mrs S Lewis
Year 6 Teaching Assistant
Mr C Bleasedale
ICT Manager, HLTA
Year 6 Class Dog and Therapy Dog
Kitchen Team
Mrs Y Saunders
Catering Manager
Mrs M Pemberton
Catering Assistant
Mrs T Georgy
Catering Assistant
Mrs M Holmes
Catering Assistant