Play Leaders
Our Play Leaders are committed to ensuring fun and safe lunchtimes for everybody.
Our Play Leaders have been diligently ensuring that scooters are used safely during lunchtime, emphasising the importance and necessity of wearing a helmet. They closely monitor the usage of scooters to ensure that everyone has a fair share in terms of time on the scooters.
Tidiness and organisation of toy boxes is a high priority; whether it be toy cars, dollies, dinosaurs or tea sets, everything has a place. It is important our play leaders model how to put toys back in the right boxes. We greatly appreciate their efforts in keeping our children protected and promoting responsible play.
Our Play Leaders have set a positive example for their peers by displaying responsibility, empathy and cooperation during lunch times.
We are always so proud of their exceptional leadership skills. In November 2023, our senior Play Leaders, Kelsie and Nathan, both Y5, asked the children for their suggestions on how to make our lunch times even better. They collected feedback and took the initiative to share it with Mrs McGowan who was thrilled by their work and set up a meeting for them and Mr. Saunders, our school finance manager. Together, they created a wish list and arranged a visit to Smyth Toy Superstore, where they had a budget to manage and increased the variety in our toy boxes.
We are grateful for their contribution to the school community and the positive impact they have made. to make our school an even happier place to learn and play.